it’s a start

March 18, 2008

Well, my first piece as a producer for MediaStorm launched today: Reuters Bearing Witness, Five Years of the Iraq War.

My part in the project took more than eleven weeks of production, combing through more than 20 hours of videotapes of interviews with Reuters journalists, photographers, editors, producers and staff plus video footage captured from Reuters TV cameramen in Iraq. There were also 3,600 still images, the best of the best that Reuters photographers captured during the 5 year Iraq War, selected in a wide edit by Reuters’ talented executive team of Ayperi Ecer and Jassim Ahmad.

The maps and the revolutionary timeline, design and dev were handled by MediaStorm designer Tim Klimowitz, who is also an awesome Guitar Hero playa.

I only wish it was a project about a happier occasion.

I’m looking forward to your thoughts.

You’ll need a fast connection.

Yes we have a winner….no three winners. I was lucky enough to have been a multimedia producer on all three top prize winners in the Best Use Multimedia category in this year’s Pictures of the Year International (a.k.a.POYi!) contest. OK, it’s cheating a little because I didn’t join MediaStorm until January. And for Soul of Athens, I also created a short film.


In order: MediaStorm, Soul of Athens and the Mountain Workshops.


February 20, 2008

The popular online show Rocketboom came to MediaStorm last week and the episode ran today. So if you want to see our very cool office and a bit about what we all do, check it out.


(and here’s the extended conversation with Brian Storm and more inside stuff. Yup, that’s one of the beauties of the web: you can see the entire interview, not just a small edit.)

shooting the shootouts

February 19, 2008

The Guardian has more and more multimedia online, including this short film about Silva Severino, a photographer who risks his life covering the favelas near Rio.


Since I’ve been at MediaStorm, my colleague Eric Maierson has been working away on this multimedia story on the Congo with Marcus Bleasdale. It launched yesterday.

MSNBC also launched a different Congo multimedia feature based on the MediaSTorm interviews and Marcus images.

As they say in high school: “compare and contrast.”

air sick

January 21, 2008

Toronto Star photographer Lucas Oleniuk is responsible for perhaps my favorite multimedia piece thus far …and now he’s done it again with a video about global warming created from twenty thousand still images.

If I ever considered working for a newspaper again, this is where I’d love to try it out.


the cartoon life of print

January 19, 2008

Print journalism just can’t get a break. Even the Simpson’s are piling on.


My friend and former teacher Zach Wise has been working on the redesign–more re-imagining– of the Las Vegas Sun’s website. It finally launched today with lots of big photos and bigger multimedia pieces.

Read the backstory.


power of time

December 31, 2007

My friend and OU grad school classmate Tim Gruber has an interesting and opinionated blog.

As part of an exercise in our video class, we had to post our favorite movie. He chose this film from YouTube, which asks: If you had the power to turn back time, would it be a good thing?

See ya all in the New Year!!!

one square at a time

December 24, 2007

I wandered into the Peer Gallery to see Christopher Rauschenberg’s show called “Daily Life” and liked it a lot.

I also jotted down Portland Grid Project on the exhibition card to check out later.

For that project, photographers have spent more than nine years (1996-2005) systematically documenting Portland, Oregon. Now, with some new faces and perspectives, they continue in Round Two.

Using a map of Portland divided into grid squares a mile and a half on a side, each month they photograph the same randomly picked square, using a variety of films and formats. At the end of the month, they meet to look at everyones photos. They’ve created a complex, detailed urban portrait, consisting of about 20,000 images of Portland, its land forms, architecture, people, residential neighborhoods, industrial sites, waterways, parks, and sometimes just a shadow or the look of fallen leaves on a newly mowed lawn.


on the right track

December 19, 2007

David Kessler has been making short (2-3 minutes) video stories about the characters he’s found underneath the Philadelphia EL (that’s the ELevated subway tracks in Philadelphia, PA.) This year-long documentary project, Shadow World, which started as a video blog, has hit 25 epidsodes and has grown into an exhibit and installation in a Philadelphia gallery.

He started it all by just paying attention to the people he saw on his daily walks in the neighborhood. You can read the details in this cover story in the Philadelphia Weekly.


my new life

December 9, 2007

I’ve joined the Emmy and Webby award winning multimedia production studio MediaStorm as a multimedia producer.

And I am psyched!


the boy in the moon

December 9, 2007

Another amazing multimedia presentation from the Toronto Globe and Mail, The Boy in the Moon is a brutally honest long form attempt by writer Ian Brown to understand his profoundly handicapped 11 year-old son, Walker.


My hat is off to the Toronto Globe and Mail for funding these long term, long form documentary projects. When will more newspapers start doing the same?

one hundred young americans

December 2, 2007

This year-long project represents photographer Michael Franzini’s 30,000-mile journey in search of what it truly means to be a teenager in this hyper-connected, media-driven society. It’s a book, a blog, a website and a series of stills and video portraits.


Strangely enough, in the current edition of National Geographic there was only a single 2 page Brent Stirton image on this story about the recent gorilla massacres in Congo. But there’s a great video treatment of it online at, produced by the gang at MediaStorm.


10×10, no human input needed

November 24, 2007

It’s not new but it’s always fun: 10×10 is a widget written by Jonathan Harris that scans the wires every hour to look for the 100 top words in news stories, then chooses 100 corresponding imagesThe site explains: “At the end of each day, month, and year, 10×10 looks back through its archives to conclude the top 100 words for the given time period. In this way, a constantly evolving record of our world is formed, based on prominent world events, without any human input.”

However, if you look at the picture choices, they’re often repetitive, boring or missing. For instance, the Prime Mnister of Australia just conceded the election but they couldn’t find a picture of him? I mean, the guy has only been in politics for 33 years. But hey, who needs human input?

If you liked 10×10, check out WordCount, the 88,000 most frequently used English words arranged as one very long sentence.

shameless self promotion

October 11, 2007

A story about the Ohio University “Soul of Athen’s” project I worked on this year. Check out the project itself. It’s really cool.

Soul of Athens

daily dose

September 29, 2007

Time Magazine has been running a daily photo blog called White House Photo Of the Day. It contains some really wonderful off beat, behind the scenes moments from Time Magazine’s White House photographers. Here’s one from Christopher Morris. Keep pushing that NEXT button for surprise after surprise.


the same, only different?

September 29, 2007 spotted these two covers:


and they wrote this caption:“At left, Time’s cover from November 2005. At right, Newsweek’s cover from this week. Presumably both women are looking at the nineteen other photographers queuing up to take this hackneyed, overused shot.”

No wonder magazine subscriptions are falling.

Film maker Errol Morris looks at two Roger Fenton images of The Valley of the Shadow of Death from the Crimean War. Many people think one of the images was staged or posed. But which one? And how do you know?

Morris does the home work in his NY Times blog. A great ethics puzzler, it’s already garnered 600 responses since it was posted les than 24 hours ago. And he has a few interesting things to say about Susan Sontag.
